One Night in the Museum follows primary-school children on a journey of discovery, as they visit some of Britain’s greatest museums after hours. With no parents or teachers around, the kids are free to explore the collections without grown-up guidance – or interference. We see their imaginations spark as they encounter strange and beautiful objects from the past. And we get a fresh view of history seen through their eyes.

The best ideas in television are usually the simple ones. This series looks a winner, in large part due to the children.... Never mind the Hollywood movie and its multi-million dollar special effects. These youngsters, smart as carrots, naturally funny, each a jumping bean of enthusiasm, were better value any day.

The Herald

On Demand Pick of the Week - This charming family-viewing series pitches a bunch of kids into the otherwise deserted galleries of four museums around Britain while unseen curators watch their reactions.

Sunday Times

Pick of The Week

The Guardian

A joyful new series

Daily Mail